Monday, 18 May 2015

Evony Age 2 Map - Beginners Guide

The Evony map is divided into 16 states. Each state has its own capital, a level 16 historic city, and Evony has a main capital called Atlantis, a level 18 historic city located at coordinates 000.000. Each state has eight level 14 historic cities in addition to the state capital. The historic cities are located every 66 miles on the x- and y-axis starting from _33._33. Level 12 historic cities are located every 18 miles on the x- and y- axis starting from _09._09.

The state of Bavaria is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinate 400 to 599 and along the y-axis from 400 to 599.
Bavaria is geographically to the South of Thuringia, to the East of Swabia, to the North of
Tuscany and to the West of Carinthia.
The capital city is Athens. Coordinates are 500.500

The state of Carinthia is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinate 600 to 799 and along the y-axis from 400 to 599.
Carinthia is geographically to the South of Moravia, to the East of Bavaria, to the North of
Romanga and to the West of Upper Lorraine.
The capital city is Cairo. Coordinates are 700.500

Upper Lorraine
The state of Upper Lorraine is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinate 000 to 199 and along the y-axis from 400 to 599.
Upper Lorraine is geographically to the South of Lower Lorraine, to the East of Carinthia to the North of Burgundy and to the West of Swabia.
The capital city is Perris. Coordinates are 100.500

The state of Swabia is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinates 200 to 399 and along the y-axis from 400 to 599.
Swabia is geographically to the South of Franconia, to the East of Upper Lorraine, to the North of Lombardy, and to the West of Bavaria.
The capital city is Rome. Coordinates are 300.500

The state of Tuscany is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinates 400 to 599 and along the y-axis from 600 to 799.
Tuscany is geographically to the South of Bavaria, to the East of Lombardy, to the North of North March, and to the West of Romanga.
The capital city is Canberra. Coordinates are 500.700

The state of Romanga is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinates 600 to 799 and along the y-axis from 600 to 799.
Romanga is geographically to the South of Carinthia, to the East of Tuscany, to the North of Bohemia, and to the West of Burgundy.
The capital city is Islamabad. Coordinates are 700.700

The state of Burgundy is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinates 000 to 199 and along the y-axis from 600 to 799.
Burgundy is geographically to the South of Upper Lorraine, to the East of Carinthia, to the North of Friesland, and to the West of Lombardy.
The capital city is Ottowa. Coordinates are 100.700

The state of Lombardy is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinates 200 to 399 and along the y-axis from 600 to 799.
Lombardy is geographically to the South of Swabia, to the East of Burgundy, to the North of Saxony, and to the West of Tuscany.
The capital city is Jerusalem. Coordinates are 300.700

North March
The state of North March is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinates 400 to 599 and along the y-axis from 000 to 199.
North March is geographically to the South of Tuscany, to the East of Saxony, to the North of Thuringia, and to the West of Bohemia.
The capital city is Loyang. Coordinates are 500.100

The state of Bohemia is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinates 600 to 799 and along the y-axis from 000 to 199.
Bohemia is geographically to the South of Romanga, to the East of North March, to the North of Moravia, and to the West of Friesland.
The capital city is Moscow. Coordinates are 700.100

The state of Friesland is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinate 000 to 199 and along the y-axis from 000 to 199.
Friesland is geographically to the South of Burgundy, to the East of Bohemia, to the North of Lower Lorraine and to the West of Saxony.
The capital city is Washington DC. Coordinates are 100.100
Friesland is also home to Atlantis. Atlantis is the capital city of Evony and is a level 18 historical city located at 000.000.

The state of Saxony is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinates 200 to 399 and along the y-axis from 000 to 199.
Saxony is geographically to the South of Lombardy, to the East of Friesland, to the North of Franconia, and to the West of North March.
The capital city is Beijing. Coordinates are 300.100

The state of Thuringia is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinates 400 to 599 and along the y-axis from 200 to 399.
Thuringia is geographically to the South of North March, to the East of Franconia, to the North of Bavaria, and to the West of Moravia.
The capital city is Vienna. Coordinates are 500.300

The state of Moravia is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinates 600 to 799 and along the y-axis from 200 to 399.
Moravia is geographically to the South of Bohemia, to the East of Thuringia, to the North of Carinthia, and to the West of Lower Lorraine.
The capital city is London. Coordinates are 700.300

Lower Lorraine
The state of Lower Lorraine is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinates 000 to 199 and along the y-axis from 200 to 399.
Lower Lorraine is geographically to the South of Friesland, to the East of Moravia, to the North of Upper Lorraine, and to the West of Franconia.
The capital city is Prague. Coordinates are 100.300

The state of Franconia is located on the Evony Map along the x-axis from coordinates 200 to 399 and along the y-axis from 200 to 399.
Franconia is geographically to the South of Saxony, to the East of Lower Lorraine, to the North of Swabia, and to the West of Thuringia.
The capital city is Berlin. Coordinates are 300.300