Monday, 18 May 2015

What is a Horde, a Throng and a Bulk? - Beginners Guide

As a beginner on Evony, when your informatics level is low, the Scout reports of valleys and and cities does not contain the exact amount of troops defending the valleys. Instead the report contains terms like the Few, Pack, Lots, Horde, Throng, Swarm, Zounds, Legion, Bulk, Giga. Here are the list of terms and their meaning.

Few: 1 - 24
Pack: 25 - 49
Lots: 50 - 99
Horde: 100 - 249
Throng: 250 - 499
Swarm: 500 - 999
Zounds: 1000-2499
Legion: 2500 - 4999
Bulk: 5000 - 9999
Giga: >10,000